ANGEL INVESTING TRAINING COURSE | Hungary | November 8-9, 2024

Become an Effective Business Angel

Are you already a Business Angel looking to increase your investing skills, or are you interested in starting Angel investing and gaining knowledge and experience in investing in innovative businesses in Hungary?

This exclusive, free Effective Angel Investment Programme offers both existing and aspiring Angel Investors in Hungary the opportunity to access the skills, experience, and insights of leading players from the most developed Angel Investment markets across Europe. You will work alongside some of the leading investment players from Europe and like-minded people on their angel investment journey, enabling you to develop your knowledge and competence in investing in exciting early-stage, high-growth potential businesses across the country. This new investment training programme is being delivered under the EU-funded ESIL initiative.

Want to join the Next Generation of Angels in Hungary?

📅 November 8-9, 2024  🕑 Duration: 16 hours 

📍Balzac u. 12, 1136 Budapest, Hungary

*Both days are mandatory to get the training certification.

Limited to 25 participants

Apply by October 25!

(Completing the application form should take just about 15 minutes.)

Co-organised with

Who can participate?

  • Business Angel investing in Hungary who want to further build their skills and knowledge to become more effective.
  • Potential Business Angels willing to build knowledge and skills to start actively investing in early-stage startups in Hungary.
  • Individuals coming from a wide variety of backgrounds, skills, and experience, including successful entrepreneurs.
  • Individuals with business experience from key industries or sectors, including those with technology, engineering, and innovation backgrounds.

We are also especially keen to attract more women who are already investing or looking to start Business Angel investing, as well as individuals from a wide range of ages.

The essential requirement is that you feel you have the spare financial capacity to invest and are willing to take risks in backing early-stage businesses. The key is to bring your business skills and expertise alongside your investment to support small businesses in successfully building and growing, with a view to bringing you a return.

What does the course offer?

The Effective Angel Investment Course will offer you access to 16 hours of face-to-face learning from experienced Angel Investors from the most developed Angel markets of Europe, working alongside leading local investors in Hungary.

The course is completely free and lunch, coffee, and water will be covered by the organisers.

Key topics

The course is designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the Angel investing process, combined with detailed insights and real-life experience:

Module 1: Understanding the Angel market and approaching angel investing.

Module 2: Finding potential deals and what to look for in evaluating an opportunity.

Module 3: Negotiating and structuring an Angel deal.

Module 4: Approaching effective due diligence.

Module 5:  Doing the deal- understanding the legal and technical processes for angel investments.

Module 6:  Understanding co-investment and how other European Innovation programmes can support your angel investing.

Module 7: The deal is done: developing your post-investment strategy and portfolio management.

Module 8: Are you ready to invest? Investment showcase and pitches, and sharing your evaluation and decision-making back.

What to expect?

The training will be based on the knowledge and insights of experienced leading angels from the most developed markets across Europe. There will be a strong focus on knowledge sharing and extensive use of case studies and walkthroughs of the investment process. Special attention will be given to addressing the specific interests and needs of women seeking to build their skills as angel investors.

During this training, you will have the opportunity to participate as a potential angel investor in startup pitches focused on technology and innovation. This experience will allow you to test your evaluation and decision-making skills in a real-life context. 

Access to additional resources

As a participant in the Effective Angel Investing Course, you will also have direct access to 10 hours of online learning, including a series of webinars delivered by experienced angel investors focusing on key growth sectors, as well as topics such as exits, deep due diligence, and investment case studies. This will include access to a wide range of resources, including downloadable templates, key legal documents, and templates related to the investment process. These resources are designed to complement face-to-face learning and provide a varied menu of topics that you can explore at your own pace.

How to apply

  1. Apply to the course by filling in the registration form
  2. Your application will be assessed by the ESIL expert panel, and you will be informed of your success in accessing this exclusive Training Course in November.
  3. The course will take place in, Balzac u. 12, 1136 Budapest. You will receive an email with further details. 

We strongly encourage you to apply as soon as possible, and no later than October 25th, to secure your place on this exclusive new training course!

Expert Angel Trainers

Francesca Natali, Archangel
Francesca Natali
Shareholder at Meta Group, and board member and Managing Director of META Ventures (MV), financial company of the Group. MV manages co-investment risk capital funds in Italy, Poland, and Slovenia. She sits on the board of directors of several MV portfolio companies.
Reginald Vossen
Reginald Vossen
President of BAE. Managing director of BAN Flanders, holds two Master’s Degrees in Economic Sciences and has extensive investment experience. Founder partner and former Manager of the Limburg BAN (1998).

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