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Join us at the BAE Club E-Pitching session this November! Join Europe’s top angel networks in exclusive cross-border E-Pitching sessions, connecting high-potential startups with international...

The AngelFest

Budapest, Hungary
ESIL will be at the AngelFest in Budapest, Hungary this autumn. More information to come soon!

How To Web Conference

Bucharest, Romania
ESIL will be at the How To Web Conference on 1-2 October 2025 in Bucharest, Romania. Find out more here.

Big Angels Day Paris

Paris, France
ESIL will be at the Big Angels Day Paris this September. More information to come soon!


Join us at the BAE Club E-Pitching session this September! Join Europe’s top angel networks in exclusive cross-border E-Pitching sessions, connecting high-potential startups with international...


Join us at the BAE Club E-Pitching session this June! Join Europe’s top angel networks in exclusive cross-border E-Pitching sessions, connecting high-potential startups with international...

(Cyber) Defence & Dual Use

Brno, Czechia
ESIL will be at the Cyper Defence & Dual Use matchmaking event in Brno, Czechia on May 28-30 2025. More information to come soon!

Connect Day

Vienna, Austria
ESIL will be at the Connect Day 25 in Austria this May. Register and apply here.


Join us at the BAE Club E-Pitching session this April! Join Europe’s top angel networks in exclusive cross-border E-Pitching sessions, connecting high-potential startups with international...

Bulgarian Spring Angels Retreat

Pravets, Bulgaria
ESIL will be at the Bulgarian Spring Angels Retreat this April. More information coming soon!

Investor meeting | Life sciences & Biotech

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
On March 13 an international selection of promising startups focused on Life Sciences and Biotech will pitch their ventures to investors. Three leading investors in Life sciences and Biotech will...


Join us at the next BAE Club E-Pitching session with a special focus on SaaS companies! Join Europe’s top angel networks in exclusive cross-border E-Pitching sessions, connecting high-potential...

Angel investing training course | Czechia

Czech Republic, Training
Prague, Czechia
This exclusive, free Effective Angel Investment Programme offered both existing and aspiring Angel Investors in Czechia the opportunity to access the skills, experience, and insights of leading...

Angel investing training course | Poland

Poland, Training
Warsaw, Poland
This exclusive free Effective Angel Investment Programme offers both existing and aspiring Angel Investors in Poland the opportunity to access the skills and experience and insights of leading...

Angel investing training course | Romania

Romania, Training
Bucharest, Romania
This exclusive, free Effective Angel Investment Programme offers both existing and aspiring Angel Investors in Romania the opportunity to access the skills, experience, and insights of leading...

Angel investing training course | Hungary

Hungary, Training
Budapest, Hungary
This exclusive, free Effective Angel Investment Programme offers both existing and aspiring Angel Investors in Hungary the opportunity to access the skills, experience, and insights of leading...

Angel investing training course | Croatia

Croatia, Training
Zagreb, Croatia
This exclusive free Effective Angel Investment Programme offers both existing and aspiring Angel Investors in Croatia the opportunity to access the skills and experience and insights of leading...

ESIL at the Big Angels Day Event by EuroQuity

Matchmaking, News
Paris, France
In this article, we will highlight ESIL’s participation in the Big Angels Day event, where the organisation will raise awareness of business angel investments across Europe and celebrate the...

Angel investing training course | Bulgaria

Bulgaria, Training
Sofia, Bulgaria
This exclusive, free Effective Angel Investment Programme offers both existing and aspiring Angel Investors in Bulgaria the opportunity to access the skills, experience, and insights of leading...

E-pitch at the BAE Club

ESIL had the privilege of meeting six innovative start- and scale-ups at the BAE Club E-Pitch. This selection of six was made in collaboration with the ESIL initiative, including companies from...